Monday, May 20, 2024

ICC prosecutor seeks arrest of Israeli and Hamas leaders

Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC:

Based on the evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin NETANYAHU, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav GALLANT, the Minister of Defence of Israel, bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine (in the Gaza Strip) from at least 8 October 2023:

- Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Statute;

- Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health contrary to article 8(2)(a)(ii), or cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);

- Wilful killing contrary to article 8(2)(a)(i), or murder as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);

- Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime contrary to articles 8(2)(b)(i) and 8(2)(e)(i);

- Extermination and/or murder contrary to articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a), including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity;

- Persecution as a crime against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(h);

Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(k).

Wednesday, May 1, 2024



Benjamin Netanyahu was born on 10.30 am 21st October, 1949 at Tel Aviv, Israel.

From his natal chart, it can be seen that his Uranus, the ruler of his 4th house is placed in his 8th house.  Uranus stands for something sudden and unexpected.  The 8th house refers to legal issues.  The 4th house refers to land, but within the context of what's happening, it could refer to the occupation of Gazan territory.

Netanyahu has the Sun, ruler of the 9th house in his 12th house.  It indicates an unpopular leader. Someone who may fall from grace, if not his office.

In terms of planetary periods (dasa bhukti), he is running Mercury-Saturn-Moon-Ketu-Mercury at the time of writing.  This is not good for him, given that the Saturn in his natal chart is triggered.  It also so happens that his Saturn, the ruler of his 3rd and 4th house is throwing a special aspect on his 12th house.  It has a number of meanings including a long jail time.

Netanyahu’s astrocartography chart shows his Mars line goes through Germany. It is not too far from Holland.  This is where the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is located. Mars would cause him and enormous amount of tension.

In terms of transit, Mars (1,6) is currently transiting Netanyahu's 5th house.

However, that transiting Mars (1,6) throws a special aspect on to Netanyahu's 8th house, 11th house, and 12th.  Here,  the 1st house refers to the self, the 6th house refers to legal issues. The 8th house refers to losses, 12th house refers to jail, while the 11th house refers to friends. 

It is quite possible that Netanyahu will be charged by the ICC.  His friends may try to save him. In fact, his minor subperiods are being triggered in the 11th house. Moon (9/11), here his friends may try to nurture him and take care of him.  Mercury (8,11/11) in indicates some protection from legal issues from friends.  Ketu (1, 6/11) indicates some cutting and enemies amongst friends.  While it is possible that his friends will try to help him, it also possible that some of his friends may decide that he is too much of a liability, and let him be charged.



Monday, November 13, 2023

President Biden’s Mars line: A showdown with Iran?

President Biden has given his full and unwavering support to Israel following Hamas’s attack on 7th October 2023.  Following this, he ordered two aircraft carrier strike force groups to go to the Mediterranean, in order to act as a deterrent against Iranian-backed militia groups and to Iran itself from entering the war.  He has also sent a submarine, which is currently in the Persian Gulf, as a warning to Iran.  

Biden secured USD 14.3 billion from Congress to aid Israel.  This includes money for its air and missile defense., while bolstering the security of their embassies in the region [1]. 

Biden’s unwavering support for Israel has caused him to dismiss reports on the number of deaths, saying that he did not trust these numbers as they were from Hamas [2].  That said, the United Nations says that Gaza Health Ministry death tolls were credible [3].

In the meantime, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has brought Gaza to near apocalyptic proportions in terms of death and destruction.   The casualties have risen sharply. Hospitals have not been spared. It has reached a point where hospitals are unable to function, with bombs going off near the hospital, with sniper fire taking place [4].

Israel has rejected all calls for a ceasefire [5], but has agreed to a humanitarian pause.  These humanitarian pauses have been criticized roundly by human rights groups [6].

In the meantime, the intensity of fighting between the Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Israel has increased [7].  Also, Iranian backed militia groups have attacked American bases in Iraq and Syria, which in turn has resulted in American counter strikes [8].  While all this was going on, the Iranian-backed Houthi militia from Yemen, shot down an American Reaper drone [9].

It is only now that Biden administration officials have expressed concern that Israel is looking to provoke Hezbollah as a pretext for a wider war in Lebanon.  This could draw in the U.S. [10]. Needless to say, it could draw in Iran as well.

Meanwhile, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution that calls for America to use 'all means necessary" to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons [2].

The Mars line on President Bidens Astrocartography map

Jim Lewis, the American astrologer, developed Astrocartography in the late 1970’s.  It is a way of determining planetary influences in space, instead of time. In short, astrocartography shows the planetary influence on a person in any area of the world, instead of a horoscope, which is based on time.

Jim Lewis wrote that a “…president’s Mars line should show where the society he led or presently leads is most apt to wage war” [5]. He illustrated his point with past presidents who were involved in wars such as Franklin D, Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and others.

The following astrocartography map (See Fig 1} was generated based President Joe Biden birth details– 8.30am 20th November 1942, Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA. 

Biden’s Mars line, which is shown in red on the astrocartography map below, runs right through Tehran, Iran, and is an indication of tension, conflicts, or even a war.

Fig 1: Joe Biden’s astrocartography map

In fact, Biden’s Mars line passes through other conflict areas where he has been involved.  This includes Russia, which is involved in the ongoing Russo-Ukraine war. It also includes Azerbajian, which is involved in a war with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh.  It even includes Oman, where there is tension over China’s plans to establish a naval base.  It should be noted that Oman’s neighbor, Yemen, is home to the Houthis, which is at war with Israel.

Fig 2: Joe Biden’s natal horoscope

The effects of the Mars line can be seen from Joe Biden’s natal horoscope as shown in Fig 2.  Although it is standard practice to read this using astrological keywords used in personal astrology, I find that it is more appropriate to use astrological keywords associated with mundane astrology in the case of leaders.

Biden’s natal Mars, is the ruler of the 1st and 6th house, and is placed in the 12th house. In mundane astrology Mars is associated with the military and wars.  The 1st house is associated with the country (U.S.) and its inhabitants.  The 6th house is associated with the armed forces and public health. Finally, the 12 house is associated with spies amongst other things.

In Vedic astrology, Mars throws special aspects.  Thus Mars, the ruler of the 1st and 6th house will throw special aspects on the 3rd House (transportation and communications) , 6th house (military and public health), and 7th house (foreign relations). Thus, Biden Mars line will be activated in all the countries it crosses, depending on timing. 

The effects of planetary transits will be more noticeable when it coincides with the planetary periods. Biden is currently running a Saturn-Saturn-Venus planetary period (Dasa Bhukti Antara) at the time of writing.  This means that his 1st house and 7th houses are currently activated.  Again, using mundane astrology keywords, the 1st house, which refers to the U.S. and its citizens, is activated.  The 7th house, which refers to relations with other countries, whether friendly or hostile, is also activated. 

Biden’s transiting Mars,  which is the ruler of the 1st and 6th house is in his 12th Libra on the day of the New Moon on 13th November 2023. This transiting Mars will be shifting to his 1st house Scorpio on the day of the Full Moon on 27th November 2023.  As mentioned earlier, his 1st house is already activated as per the planetary periods.  That same transiting Mars will be looking at his 7th house.  Whatever happens, on 27th November 2023, will be very intense given that Mars is in Scorpio, and will involve his country and foreign relations, and even war.


Available online

[1] Biden asks Congress for $106 billion for Ukraine, Israel, U.S. border, Axios

[2] Biden’s dismissal of the reported Palestinian death toll, Washington Post

[3] UN says Gaza Health Ministry death tolls in previous wars ‘credible’, Al Jazeera

[4] 1 Dead, 20 Injured As Israeli Snipers Shoot At Gaza's Al-Quds Hospital , NDTV

[5] Netanyahu rejected ceasefire-for-hostages deal in Gaza, sources say, The Guardian

[6] Critics Slam Idea of 4-Hour Daily “Humanitarian Pauses” in Gaza as Inadequate. Truthout

[7] Israeli jets strike south Lebanon after Hezbollah attack, Al Jazeera

[8] US Officials Admit Strikes on Militants in Iraq and Syria Fail to Deter Future Attacks, Liberatarian Institute

[9] US Reaper drone shot down near Yemen by Iranian-backed Houthi militants, defense official says, ABC News

[10] Report: US Concerned Israel Is Trying to Provoke Wider Lebanon War,

[11] House Passes Resolution That Suggests Using Force Against Iran,

[12] Lewis, J., Irving K.  The psychology of Astro*Carto*G,raphy, 2nd Edition, Words and Things, pg. 61 

Friday, November 10, 2023


U.S. President Biden warned Iran on 11th October to be “careful” following the Hamas attack on Israel on 7th October 2023 which resulted in over 1,400 Israeli and foreign deaths, and over 240 people being taken hostage.  That said, U.S. intelligence showed Iranian leaders were taken aback by Hamas’ attack on Israel [1].  Thus, there is no definite intelligence that Iran was involved.

Whatever the case, the U.S. has sent two aircraft carrier strike groups, the USS Ford and the USS Eisenhower to the Eastern Mediterranean near Israel to deter Iran or Hezbollah from joining the Israel-Hamas conflict [2].

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu also warned Iran and Hezbollah to stay out of the conflict on 18th October 2023 [3] 

While the above was going on, militias in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen mobilized in support of Hamas.  They have begun attacking Israeli and U.S. targets throughout the region.  On 25th October 2023, Biden warned Iran once again that the U.S. would respond if his nation attempts to harm American troops in the region [4].

In the meantime, the world has become alarmed by Israel’s disproportionate response to the Hamas attack.  Instead of targeting only Hamas, Israel has engaged in collective punishment in its ongoing Siege of Gaza.   Water, food, telecommunications, and the internet have been cut off. Israel has repeatedly and aggressively bombed densely-populated civilian areas of Gaza in an indiscriminate manner.  Hospitals, schools, refugee camps, churches, and mosques, have also been bombed. The destruction has been immense. 

Fig 1: The ongoing destruction of Gaza [5]

At the time of writing, there have been over 10,305 deaths in Gaza, with at least half of them being children [6].  Israel has brushed off legitimate international criticism by saying that Hamas uses them as human shields.

There have also been 34 Palestinian, 4 Israeli, and 1 Lebanese journalists killed at the time of writing. Journalists also face assaults, threats, cyberattacks, censorship, and killings of family members. The fact that the internet and telecommunications have been cut means that journalists are being prevented from reporting what’s actually happening on the ground in Gaza [7].

Also 88 United Nations staffers have been killed at the time of writing.  This is the deadliest in the UN's history [8].

Amnesty International has given damning evidence of war crimes being committed [9]. 

In light of the above, there have been massive protests worldwide, including within Israel. Attempts at a ceasefire have been stymied by vetoes primarily from Israel’s main backer, the USA [10].   That said, a total of 120 countries voted in the United Nations General Assembly for a humanitarian pause [11].  This has been ignored by Israel, which continues to pound Gaza.

Iran warned on 5th November that the U.S. will be hit hard if there is no ceasefire [12] 

In response the U.S. made a rare public announcement and posted a picture of a nuclear-powered submarine in the Suez Canal as a deterrent to Iran on 6th November [13]. This submarine, the USS Florida, entered the Persian Gulf on 7th November, 2023 [14]

On 6th November, the Israeli Defence Force announced that they had encircled Gaza city and have divided the Gaza Strip into North and South Gaza [15].

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, stated that Israel will occupy Gaza indefinitely after the war ends.  Biden warned that this would be a grave mistake [16].

Iran’s leader Ebrahim Raisi is scheduled attend an extraordinary summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) at the invitation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 12th November 2023. The 57 nation OIC is scheduled to discuss the Israel-Hamas war [17]. 

Will Iran be embroiled in the war or not? To answer this question, the Iranian national horoscope needs to be established first.  

The National Horoscope of Iran

Different astrologers give different times and dates for the national horoscope of Iran.  Some use 9.00 am 1st February 1979, which is when the Ayatollah Khomeini returned from Iran from France [18]. On the other hand, others use 12.01 am on 1st April 1979.  Some astrologers dispute this, and use 3.00 pm 1st April 1979 [19].  Given this confusion, it is necessary to review the history of Iran to get a proper time and date for Iran’s national horoscope.

The Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, ascended the throne of the Imperial State of Iran in 1941. There were some who opposed his rule, and this resulted in a revolution starting on 19th August 1978. With the revolution getting worse, the Shah and his family left Iran ostensibly on a holiday to Egypt on a flight at 1.24 pm on 16th January, 1979.  The Shah left his Prime Minister, Shapour Bakhtiar, in charge. The Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile in France to Iran on 1st February, 1979.  However, fighting continued up to 11th February 1979. Shapour Bakhtiar was forced to quit when he lost the backing of the army.   A victory announcement was made at 6.00 pm 11th February 1979 on a captured state radio which was renamed the Voice of the Islamic Revolution from the original Radio Iran [20]. This marked the end of the Iranian monarchy, which also marked the birth of the Islamic Republic of Iran [21].  This was formalized in a national referendum to make Iran an Islamic Republic on 1st April, 1979.

As can be seen from the above, the transfer of power began in the heat of the revolution, and not in a formal setting. The victory announcement over the radio as being the correct time and date for the national horoscope of Iran is further supported by the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran celebrates the anniversary of its revolution on 11th February. Using this time and date, the Iranian national horoscope is constructed, as illustrated in Figure 2 below.

Fig 2: National horoscope of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The 1980 Iran-Iraq War

The next step is to see if the upcoming planetary transits in 2023 have any similarity with the planetary transits that resulted in the 1980 Iran-Iraq war. This would give an indication if war is again imminent for Iran.

Iraq’s attack on Iran began at 1.45 pm on 22 September 1980, when the Iraqi Air Force jets bombed Hamadan Air Base in Iran.  The Iraqi Air Force later bombed other targets in Tabriz, Dezful, Bushehr, Kermanshah, Ahwaz and Sanandaj.  They finally hit Mehrabad International Airport [22]. The reason for this war is that Saddam Hussein, the former President of Iraq, wanted to prevent the Ayatollah Khomeini from exporting his theocratic ideology to Iraq, which would have destabilized Iraq. Another reason was to capture the disputed Shatt al-Arab waterway.

The following are the planetary transits for the start of the 1980 Iran-Iraq war, which has been overlaid onto Iran’s national horoscope (See Fig 3).

Fig 3: Planetary transits for the 1980 Iran-Iraq war

Mars, the ruler of the 4th and 9th house was transiting Iran’s 3rd house Libra at the start of the war.  Mars is the planet of war  and weapons. The 4th house refers to the people and land, whereas the 9th house refers to religion and long distance communications in mundane astrology.   The 3rd house refers to all forms of  short distance communications and transportation

The above transiting Mars was together with Uranus, the ruler of the 7th house.  They transited the natal Uranus in Iran’s 3rd house Libra.  Uranus stands for political tension and explosions, while the 7th house stands for international relations.

Both the above transiting Mars and Uranus were also looking at Iran’s 9th house at the start of the war. The 9th house stands for long distance or international communications, and religion. Iran actually called this war "The Holy Defense".

It should be noted that the transiting Mars and transiting Uranus, together with the natal Uranus were all in  the lunar mansion (nakshatra) called Vishaka (α, β, γ and ι Librae) at the start of the war.  One of the lesser known associations with Vishaka is a protracted war.

The transiting Mars, ruler of the 4th and 9th houses, is throwing a special aspect on Iran’s 6th House.  The 6th house stands for the military. By the same token,Ketu (Moons South Node) was also transiting Iran’s 6th house.   Ketu behaves exactly like Mars, as per an ancient astrological maxim that states in Sanskrit, “Shani vat Rahu Kuja vat Ketu”. Translated it means that Rahu (Moons North Nodes) behaves like Saturn, while Ketu (Moons South Node) behaves like Mars.  Thus the reading for both the Mars transits special aspect and the transiting Ketu are the same.

Both the special aspects of the transitting Mars and the transiting Ketu (Moons South Node) were transiting Iran’s 6th house, and   Ketu is conjunct with the natal Mars (4,9/6). This is an explosive combination that will result in war.

The transiting Ketu (Moons South Node) is also in a loose conjunction with the Sun (1/6).  This means the Governments and leaders involvement with the mlitary and health services as well.  There is also a loose conjunction with Mercury (2,11/6). Mercury refers to ambassadors and communications. It also deals with financing and allies in relation to the armed forces.

There are ofcourse many more readings.  However, I will stop here for the 1980 Iran-Iraq war, as this is enough to see if upcoming transits in 2023 are similar.

Will Iran become embroiled in a new conflict?

Iran is running Moon-Jupiter-Jupiter planetary period (Dasa Bhukti Antara) as of the date of writing (4th November 2023).  This means that Iran’s 12th house is activated.  This also means that Iran will be subject to secret enemies and espionage.  The 12th house also involves health and prisons, amongst other things.

The planetary transits on the day of the New Moon on13th November, 2023 and the Full Moon of 27th November 2023 are examined below.

Planetary transits on the day of the New Moon on 13th November, 2023

The planetary transits during the New Moon show some similarity to the transits for the 1980 Iran-Iraq war in terms of Uranus and Mars as shown in Fig 4 below.   

Fig 4: Planetary transits for 13th November 2023 (New Moon)

On 13th November 2023, the transiting Mars (4,9) is still in the lunar mansion Vishaka (α, β, γ and ι Librae) as it was during the 1980 Iran-Iraq war.  However, it is also with the Sun and Moon in Vishaka.  In other words, there is a New Moon in Vishaka.  This is actually dangerous, as it indicates an increased chance of violence, conflict, or even war.

This same transiting Mars and transiting Uranus are in opposition to one other.  Mars opposition Uranus is indicative of conflicts, tensions, and potentially war. 

The transiting Mars also throws a special aspect onto Irans 6th house as it did during the 1980 Iran-Iraq war. Mars refers to weapons and war, while the 6th house refers to the armed forces.

Ketu was actually in Libra (3rd house), but shifted to Virgo (2nd house) around 30th October. When it was in Libra (3rd house), it would have been similar to the 1980 Iran-Iraq war chart.  That said, Ketu is cuspal on 13th November, and also impacts not only the 2nd  (finances) and 8th house (public mortality), but the 3rd (communications) and the 4th house (land, common people). 

There is also Jupiter Rx (5,8) transiting the 9th house and also looking at the 2nd house.  Jupiter is the planet of expansion.  Thus whatever explosive situation that exists with Uranus, Mars, and the New Moon, will be magnified in terms of international relations and also finances.  Jupiter being the ruler of the 8th may indicate major public mortality.

The transiting Jupiter Rx (5,8) throws a special aspect on Iran’s 1st house (The country and its inhabitants as a whole).

The transiting Jupiter Rx (5,8) also throws a special aspect on Iran’s 5th house (ambassadors). 

Saturn  (6,7) is on its way to transiting the natal Ketu in the 7th house. It could signify delays and even the cutting off of international relations.

Pluto is the slowest moving planet and is in the early part of the 6th house. Pluto involves transformation, hidden forces,  subversion, and even nuclear power in mundane astrology.

The astrological portents for a war or some form of conflict are certainly present on the day of the New Moon.  

Planetary transits on the day of the Full Moon on 13th November, 2023

The planetary transits for the day of the Full Moon are shown in Fig 5 below.

Fig 5: Planetary transits for 27th November 2023 (Full Moon)

The transiting Mars (4,9) has moved to the 4th House Scorpio and is in Anuradha nakshatra.

Mars governs the military and war. The 4th house governs the land and people in mundane astrology.  The 9th house governs religion, shipping and long-distance communications. The placement of Mars in the 4th house can indicate intense and sometimes confrontational energy related to domestic and homeland matters. This placement might signify a nation that is deeply involved in matters concerning its land, people, security, and domestic stability. 

Mar’s placement in Scorpio suggests that the nation may deal with deep transformations, crises, or issues related to shared resources and power dynamics within its borders. 

Anuradha ((β, δ and π Scorpionis) nakshatra's qualities of determination and friendship could imply that the nation might have strong alliances or relationships with other countries or international organizations that it values.

In the meantime, a Full Moon has formed with the Moon (12) transiting the 10th house Taurus and the transiting Sun in the 4th house Scorpio.

The Moon is actually in Krittika (Pleiades) nakshatra (lunar mansion).  Krittika has attributes like sharpness, determination, and a fiery nature. It could indicate an intense determination and action in the world. This might manifest as global conflicts or breakthroughs in areas that require a strong will to overcome obstacles. 

A Full Moon opposing Mars in Scorpio may symbolize heightened global tensions, potential power struggles, or even military conflicts on a larger scale. Scorpio's association with secrets and hidden motivations might indicate that this period brings to light hidden agendas or previously concealed information onto the world stage.

Finally, Mars (4,9) which is transiting the 4th house Scorpio is also squaring Saturn (6,7) which is transiting the 7th house Aquarius.

This may bring increased focus on domestic issues and homeland security. This transit could signify intense emotions and a need for deep transformation in these areas. It is also associated with foreign relations, international affairs, and legal matters. The ruler's influence in Scorpio might suggest a need for transformative changes in these areas or intense international negotiations. 

This square aspect between Mars and Saturn could indicate tensions and challenges in international relations and partnerships. There might be a need for discipline and structure in diplomatic efforts or negotiations. It may also relate to issues within international organizations.


There are some similarities between some of the upcoming transits on 13th November 2023 (New Moon) to the transits that occurred when Iraq invaded Iran in 1980. There is a strong likelihood that Israel or more likely, the U.S. will conduct a retaliatory or pre-emptive strike on Iran.  It could even be in collusion with or with the bidding of the Israelis.  Whatever the case. it will culminatie in a war. 


Available online:

[1] Kinery, E. Biden issues warning to longtime Hamas ally Iran, reiterates support for Israel and Netanyahu, CNBC 2023

[2] Raddatz M., Martinez L., Exclusive: US to send 2nd aircraft carrier to eastern Mediterranean,  ABC News 2023

[3] Garrison J., Chambers F.,Biden warns Iran not to attack American troops as Israel-Hamas war continues, USA Today 2023

[4] Netanyahu Warns Iran, Hezbollah to Stay Out of Conflict in the North | WSJ News, WSJ News, 2023

[5] Maps: Tracking the attacks in Israel and Gaza, New York Times, New York Times, 2023

[6] These charts show the scale of loss in the Israel-Hamas war, CNN, 2023

[7] Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war, Committee to Protect Journalists, 2023

[8] Ahmed, K., Israel-Hamas war is deadliest ever for UN aid workers, with at least 88 killed, The Guardian, 2023

[9] Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza, Amnesty International, 2023

[10] Israel-Gaza crisis: US vetoes Security Council resolution, United Nations 2023

[11] General Assembly Adopts Resolution Calling for Immediate, Sustained Humanitarian Truce Leading to Cessation of Hostilities between Israel, Hamas, United Nations, 2023

[12] Iran says US 'will be hit hard' if no ceasefire in Gaza, Tasnim reports, Reuters, 2023

[13] Cox, M., US sends submarine to Middle East that can fire guided Tomahawk missiles and makes rare public announcement of move, posting picture of sub in Suez Canal as deterrent to Iran, Daily Mail, 2923

[14] US attack submarine enters Persian Gulf in message to Iran, Times of India, 2023

[15] ] Israeli military divides Gaza Strip into two; says now there is 'north Gaza and south Gaza, Business Today, 2023

[16] Johnson, J. Netanyahu Suggests Israel Plans to Occupy Gaza Strip for 'Indefinite Period',, Common Dreams, 2023

[17] Iranian President Raisi to attend Gaza summit in Saudi Arabia, France 24, 2023

[18] Adams, J., Iran Horoscope Astrology Prediction, 2023

[19] Judd. S., The horoscope of Iran, 

[20] Thurgood, L., Bakhtiar quits after losing army backing, The Guardian, Feb 1979

[21] Feb. 11, 1979: Fighting erupts in Iran as Ayatollah Khomeini comes into power, ABC News 2018

[22] Cooper.T, Bishop.F,, 22 September 1980 Iraqi airstrike on Iran, Iran-Iraq War in the Air, 1980-1988. Schiffer Military History, 2002

Thursday, November 9, 2023


Israel was caught off guard with the sudden Hamas attack on 7th October 2023.  Hamas had launched 5,000 rockets, which overwhelmed Israel’s Iron Dome system.  They destroyed Israeli observation towers.  They breached the Israeli border fence.  They conducted an amphibious landing. They used drones and paragliders. They entered Israel on motorbikes and cars.  Approximately 1,200 people were killed and another 240 people were taken as hostages.  These include Israelis and other foreigners, and those at the Supernova music festival. It was a colossal Intelligence failure for the Israeli intelligence agencies, which had hitherto had a formidable reputation world wide as being the amongst the world’s best intelligence agencies. Egypt apparently warned Israel about these attacks, but it was not taken seriously [1].

Israel later conducted retaliatory air strikes in Gaza. This was to continue for weeks after the initial Hamas attacks, with devastating consequences in Gaza.

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' stated that the deadly Hamas attack on southern Israel “did not happen in a vacuum” [2].  This was met with fierce opposition from Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, who called it a justification for terrorism, which Guterres' later denied [3]  In fact, Hamas called the attack “Operation Al Aqsa flood”.  This is a reference to desecration of the Al Aqsa mosque by Israeli settlers some months before [4].  Hamas also said that the attack also had to do with killing of Palestinians and the occupation of Palestine.  In fact, human rights agencies referred to Gaza as the world’s largest open-air prison [5].

The horoscope of the Hamas attack is shown below (see Fig 1).

Fig 1: Hamas attack on Israel on 7th October 2023

Mars and Ketu (Moon’s South Node) was transiting Israel’s 2nd house on the day of the Hamas attack. The 2nd house was also aspected by the transiting Rahu (Moons North Node, Jupiter Rx, and Uranus Rx).

In mundane astrology, Mars governs weapons, the military, war, and terrorist attacks, amongst other.  Ketu (Moons South Node) conveys the same meaning as Mars in Vedic astrology.

The 2nd house is concerned with Israel's national wealth, the exchequer, revenue, and all places and activities related to money, such as banks, the Stock Exchange, financial institutions, money markets, and commerce. This should have been affected, but there was no information the news on how Israel was being affected financially and economically on the day of the attack.

On the other hand, Israels 8th house was being transited by a retrograde Jupiter, retrograde Uranus, and Rahu (Moons North Node).  Uranus stands for something very sudden, unconventional, and even explosions.  Jupiter stands for something large, amongst other things.  Rahu stands for something foreign. As mentioned earlier, Mars and Ketu governs weapons, the military, war, and terrorist attacks, amongst others.  It is clear that the “large”, “sudden”, “explosions” and “weapons”, were a reference to the large barrage of over 5,000 rockets onto Israel by Hamas.

Also note that Israel was running a Rahu-Rahu Dasa Bhukti (Moons North Node – Moons North Node planetary period).  This meant that tiggering Israel’s 8th house. In mundane astrology, the 8th house covers public mortality. It is clear that this was a reference to the 1,200 Israeli and foreign  victims.

The Moon was in the 10th house (Gemini) during the initial attack.  The 10th house refers to the government or people in authority.

Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital attack

The Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital suffered a massive explosion on 17th October 2023.  Some 250 to 471 people were killed.  The initial reports, were that this was an Israeli bomb attack, which the Israelis denied.  They claimed that it was a misfiring Hamas rocket attack. This however has been debunked [6].  There are many unanswered questions, so it remains a mystery.

The Moon had shifted to Israel’s 3rd house (Scorpio) on the day the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza was attacked. The Moon denotes common people, and is debilitated in Scorpio.  Israel’s communications (3rd house) were affected, which showed up in its public relations campaign, which many around the world viewed with skepticism.  There was an air of mystery around it, which ofcourse is denoted by Scorpio.

The Lunar eclipse - 28th October 2023

The partial lunar eclipse map that took place on 28th October 2023 affected both Israel and Palestine as shown on Fig 2 below.

Fig 2: Partial Lunar Eclipse - 28 October 2023 [7]

 The partial lunar eclipse can also be seen in the transits in Fig 3 below. 

 Fig 3: Partial lunar eclipse 29th October 2023

Ayanamsa refers to the difference in degrees between the tropical (fixed) zodiac used in Western astrology and the sidereal (fixed star-based) zodiac used in Vedic astrology. It is possible to switch between the Vedic sidereal zodiac and the Western tropical zodiac, and vice-versa, using the ayanamsa.There  exists many different ayanamsas (Lahiri, Raman, Krishnamurthy, Yukteshwar, Fagan Bradley, etc) arising from different approaches in determining the starting point of the zodiac.  This leads to variations in astrological calculations. 

My astrological software was set to Fagan Bradley ayanamsa.  Given this,  Rahu (Moons North Node) and the Moon were placed in Pisces, while Ketu (Moons South Node) was placed in Virgo.  However, if I had used a different ayanamsa, like Lahiri, then Rahu (Moons North Node) and the Moon would be in Aries, while Ketu (Moons South Node) would be in Libra.  This would line the Sun in Libra, Ketu (Moons South Node) in Libra, together with the Moon in Aries, and Rahu (Moons North Node) in Aries.  This would be more recognizable as the line up for a lunar eclipse.

The astrological chart of the lunar eclipse on 28th October 2023 was similar to the astrological chart of the Hamas attack on Israel on 7th October.  However, it is much worse as there are more planets transiting Israel's 8th and 2nd houses.  It was a clear indication that something big would happen.  It could represent Israels ground invasion of Gaza, more attacks on Israel, and even an expansion of the war, with new players.  It would manifest itself on the day of the lunar eclipse, or +/- 5 days of it. I had mentioned this prediction to some of my friends on WhatsApp well before the lunar eclipse on 28th October 2023.

As predicted, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) the IDF launched a large-scale ground assault on the towns of Beit Hanoun and Bureij in the Gaza Strip on the evening of 27th October [8].  The ground assault has been expanding since.

On 27th October Hamas launched rockets from Gaza that hit apartment blocks in Tel Aviv. In the days that followed. Hamas’s al-Qassam brigades launched a "Mutabar" missile near Khan Yunis towards an Israeli drone. [9]

The Syrian Army launched rockets at Israe, which was retaliated against by Israel.  Hezbollah too launched rockets against Israel.

On 31st October, the Yemeni based Houthis effectively declared war on Israel. The Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarei stated, “Our armed forces have launched a large batch of ballistic and cruise missiles and a large number of drones on various Israeli enemy targets in the occupied [Palestinian] territories.” [10]

By 24th October 2023, the meaning of the planetary transits on Israels 2nd House (National Wealth) became clearer.


The Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich also said that the direct cost of the war in Gaza was around 1 billion shekels ($246 million) a day to Israel. Needless to say, Israels economy was feeling the sting of the war [11].

Also, the S&P Global downgraded Israel's outlook to "negative" from "stable", citing chances that the Israel-Hamas conflict would expand more widely, and would have a greater impact on the country's economy and security situation [12]


The Israel-Hamas war continues and shows signs expanding.  The planetary period (dasa bhukti) changes from Rahu-Rahu to Rahu-Jupiter on 28th October, 2025.  So, this conflict could last for some time.


Available online:

[1] The Israel-Hamas War - What We Know So Far, Kings and Generals

[2] UN chief Antonio Guterres has said that attacks by Hamas "did not happen in a vacuum". Middle East Eye.

[3] UN chief ‘shocked’ by ‘misrepresentation’ of comments in row with Israel, The Guardian

[4] Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on fifth day of Sukkot, Al Jazeera

[5] Gaza: An 'Open-Air Prison', Human Rights Watch

[6] Channel 4 investigation raises questions over Israeli claims on Gaza hospital, Channel 4 News

[7] 28–29 October 2023 Partial Lunar Eclipse, Time and Date

[8] Israel pummels Gaza with strikes as it expands ground operations, France 24

[9] Israel strikes Syria, Lebanon following rocket attacks, military says , Al Jazeera

[10] Deep Dive: Houthis effectively declare war on Israel after drone, missile barrage

[11]  Israel’s Economy Feels The Sting Of War; Costs Tel Aviv $246 Million Per Day, Hindustan Times

[12] S&P Global revises Israel's outlook to 'negative', Malay Mail


The world is now witnessing a horrific and tragic war.  I had been following the Israel-Hamas war ever since it began on 7th October 2023.  I had sent friends some my astrological analysis of the Israel-Hamas war via Whatsapp.  I will compile my writings  and will upload it onto this blog. This however are events that happened in the not to distant past. As an astrologer,  I thought that it would more prudent to focus on events in the future.  In this regard, I am giving my predictions on whether or not Iran would get involved in this war. 

It is my hope that the endless cycle of violence will end and that all sides will get the solutions they deserve for a permanent and sustainable peace.


Sunday, May 15, 2022



Prof. Michael Danino (IIT Gandhinagar) spoke about  Harappan Town Planning. He mentions the great astrologer, Varahamira, in his video. This is no doubt linked to Vasthushastra.  

The lady moderator is reading my question to Prof. Michael Danino on the use of a gnomon in the Indus Valley civilization in 17.13 in the video.

Saturday, May 14, 2022


I am pleased to announce that Graham Hancock published my article, "The Big Dipper In Ancient Indian Astronomy".  The article discusses how the Big Dipper became the basis for the Svastika, which was used by the ancient India.  It became basis for myths, and was even used as a calendar.  To view, please click on the link, The Big Dipper In Ancient Indian Astronomy.


I wrote the article, "The Pandemic, the Dragon, and the Eagle", which was published in the inaugural issue of Astrological Perspectives, the official e-magazine of the Malaysian Astrological Magazine, of which I am the Chief Editor.

This article explores how the Covid-19 pandemic affected both China (The Dragon) and the USA (The Eagle). It further explores how the pandemic affected the relationship between both countries. It introduces how two comets, ATLAS and SWAN, played a role in the pandemic as well. To download, please click on the link, The Pandemic, the Dragon, and the Eagle.

Monday, November 9, 2020


This is how CNN is reporting it.

This is how Fox News is reporting it.

This is how other countries see it.

Saturday, November 7, 2020


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the US election,  World leaders are congratulating the both of them.

Both Joe and Kamala came on live TV and gave their victory speeches. There was flag waving, music, and fireworks. Totally awesome!  

Fox News may not have had a headline saying who won, but they were certainly aware.

Trump was playing golf when the announcement was  first made that Biden and Harris won.  Trump has not conceded.  He says that this is not over.  There are a myriad of legal suits being played out in the courts.  But as indicated in my post below, "The Jupiter-Saturn Conspiracy", Jupiter has turned against him, and no matter what he or his followers do, he will now lose completely.  More so since Jupiter is moving from his 5th house to the 6th house. Jupiter will soon be conjunct with Saturn.  Yes, it was a Jupiter-Saturn conspiracy against Trump.  Jupiter eventually trumped Trumps Rahu.

It's over now.  It's time to move on.  It is time for America to heal.