I am writing this at the time when neither Biden nor Trump has been officially declared the President of the USA as yet.
The following days since the US election has shown the numerous polls to be wrong. Trump has a much bigger support base than previously thought. In some areas the difference has been razor thin. Many people around the world underestimated him in this regard.
After rechecking I found that Joe Biden was actually running a Jupiter Dasa (Major Period), Rahu Bhukti (sub-period) and Saturn Antara (sub-sub period) on election day, and not what I wrote earlier. This means that his 9th, 10th, and 7th houses are triggered. The fact is that Biden has a Rahu in his 10th house, and that his 10th house is triggered by the Rahu Bhukti. This means that Joe Biden has a chance as the Presidency as well. But let’s go deeper.
Now, I made my earlier prediction on the assumption that all the votes would have been counted and the winner would be declared on the same day, November 3rd 2020. If this was done, Trump would have retained the Presidency. Put another way, the transiting Dragon’s Head (Rahu) would have conferred power upon Trump.
That said, the different states that make up America have their own rules and regulations concerning the elections. The counting is still going on in some states. This is largely due to mail-in ballots. This is quite unheard of in many other countries around the word. Given this unique situation, an astrologer needs to look beyond November 3rd, 2020 to see what will happen. That’s because the planets are moving continuously. To put this in perspective, one needs to look beyond a single snapshot, and look at a full length movie to see what happens, before making any pronouncement of what will happen to each of the movie characters.
As mentioned Rahu should have conferred the Presidency on Trump on November 3rd, 2020. However, something was blocking this from happening. That would be Jupiter which, at the time of the election currently in Sagittarius but was within a 10 degree orb with Saturn which was in Capricorn. This same Jupiter will enter Capricorn on 20th November 2020. This same Jupiter will be conjunct with Saturn in Capricorn on 21st, December 2020.
The effects of this are showing right now. The above implies that the transiting Jupiter is moving from Trumps 5th house to his 6th house on 20th November 2020. Not only that, Trumps 12th house is going to be badly afflicted. The 12th house signifies loss, amongst other insidious things.
When all of this happens it, will cause havoc to Trump. His known enemies will come out. His hidden enemies will come out. He will suffer tremendous loss in many areas, including in legal issues. He will lose the Presidency, irrespective of all the lawsuits and the shenanigans.
By contrast Joe Biden will emerge the victor, and will win the Presidency.
As a side note, both Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct every 20 years. However, both Jupiter and Saturn get conjunct in the same sign every 60 years. This sexagenary (60-year) cycle is the basis of both the Tamil and the Chinese calendars.
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