Tuesday, November 3, 2020



I had predicted a Trump win in my earlier post.  However, my American friend, Ron, a Trump supporter, asked me about cheating in the US elections.    As I told Ron, astrologers have to be neutral in reading a chart, irrespective of what they think or feel.  They just have to be objective and say what they read.  

The significator for cheating is Rahu (Moons North Node – Caput Draconis-  Dragons Head).  Rahu is not a planet. Rahu is an eclipse point, along with Kethu (Moon’s South Node – Cauda Draconis -Dragons Tail).  The Hindus regard it as a “shadow” planet.  The Hindus also regard Rahu and Kethu as a demon.

To know the effects of cheating, you would need to see where Rahu is placed in the subject’s natal chart (inner chart) and the transit chart (outer chart).


In Joe Biden’s natal chart (inner chart), Rahu (3, 4/10) is in his 10th house (career).  There will be some cheating in terms of communications (3rd house) and domestic affairs (4th house) with regards to his career (10th house).  But his 10th house is not triggered during election day.

Also in Joe Biden’s chart, Rahu the ruler of the 3rd and 4th houses is transiting the 7th house [Rahu (3, 4/ T7)].  So there will be some cheating with regards to communications (3rd house) and (4th house) with regards to partners (7th house). This is by transit.  But the 7th house (partners) is not triggered by the planetary periods.  So, this is a mild effect, if at all.


In the case of Donald Trump’s natal (inner chart) horoscope, his Rahu (6, 7/ 10). 

The 6th house stands for both health and subordinates).  It could mean that he could get sick on the job, and it could be due to something foreign.  The reason being that Rahu also stands for foreign.  Note that Rahu is also in charge of the arms, respiration, chest, lungs, muscle system, etc. 

The above could also mean cheating with subordinates on the job.

The 7th house stands for partners. Thus it would mean cheating with partners on the job.

Donald Trump’s Rahu, the ruler of the 6th and 7th houses are transiting his 10th house [Rahu (6.7/T10)].  This means the same as the above with regards to health and subordinates.  It also means cheating (Rahu) with partners (7th house) on the job (10th house).

It’s actually a double whammy as not only is his transit Rahu is triggering his 10th house, the planetary periods are triggering his 10th house, and all on election day.  This means that he is going to engage in cheating on election day.


Now, take a look at the USA chart.  The transit Rahu and Moon are close together in the USA’s 10th house on election day (November 3rd), but will be together on November 30th, 2020. Transit Kethu and Sun will be together on the opposite side in the USA’s 4thth house on November 30th, 2020.  It short, there is going to be lunar eclipse which will be visible over the USA on November 30th, 2020.  The effects of an eclipse are usual one month before and one month after the actual eclipse.

There will be riots and chaos in the US.  The people (Moon) won’t be happy. 

That transiting Moon and Rahu is triggering the both Mars and Uranus in the 6th house of the USA.  Not a good sign as there will be violence.  The Armed Forces, police, and perhaps the National Guard, is signified by the 6th house in mundane astrology.

To sum it up, the stars have foretold that Trump will win the USA election.  There will be cheating.  There will also be chaos.


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